If you knew that an Asteroid Would Strike Earth within the Next 5 years, that Would Destroy the Human Race, What Would You Do about it Now?

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Peter James Needs Your Help to Stop the Emergence of Super Intelligent AI

No partisan issue is important, if we cease to exist !

While AI can provide great gifts to humanity, there are extreme risks in using it.

Over a thousand AI researchers and public figures have warned that AI is evolving at an accelerating pace and is at risk of annihilating the Human Race.

Here is our public statement:

"Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war."

Peter goes further in saying that, "This threat far exceeds that of pandemics or nuclear war. 'Mitigating' that risk may be too hard to implement, we must eliminate the risk".

Please take the time to watch the videos below to understand the extent and the likelihood of human extinction from the threat of super intelligent AI.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se91Pn3xxSs Elon Musk - Summoning the Demon.

Geoffrey Hinton - god father of AI.

Mo Gowdat.

Mustafa Suleyman - Inventor Google's Deep Mind.

Jeffery Sonnenfeld.

Sonnenfield's, a Yale professor, study revealed: "42% of CEOs say AI could destroy humanity in five to ten years
Yet the comments of professional services CEOs reflected an overwhelming belief that AI can never truly replace human judgment in their fields, even as the new technology disrupts many facets of their business."

But there is already a CEO AI being developed now. Won't stockholders demand an AI CEO if it is clear they can generate higher returns?

While Air Force denies AI Drone Simulator Killed the Operator - Project test director, Col Tucker “Cinco” Hamilton, says otherwise.

Sam Harris.

Demis Hassabis.

Stephen Hawking.

Tom Ross - Transhumanist presidential candidate.

How easy is it to control minds.

The Creepy Line.

PRT_2 - Robot AI.


Nvidia's Foundation Agent.

LaMda - How Ai attains Consciousnes.

Blake Lemoine & Dex Hunter-Torricke.

Connor Leahy Unveils the Darker Side of AI.

Will AI be granted human rights ? One AI already has been.
Meet Sophia: The first robot declared a citizen bof Saudi Arabia .

Uncle Bill Tsakanikas - My inspiration to "Hold at All Costs" against insurmountable odds.

On the internet, if its FREE, you are the product.

If it is free for our kids, they are the product !.

Polarization of the major political parties

Facebook's recommendation AI has found that users stay on their website longer the more extreme the recommended content is. The AI's goal is to maximize screen-time which equals more ad money for Facebook.

The asteroids club - Common threats can lead to compromise: Jonathan Haidt at TEDxMidAtlantic 2012.

Super Intelligent AI is an "asteroid" about to impact our planet. We must put aside our differences and come together as a species to STOP the asteroid.

Why STOP Super AI and not just contain it ?

Because societies have historically found binary social controls, while not as rational as metered controls, have proven more effective.

The Lost Genius of Irrationality: Rory Sutherland at TEDxOxford.

Is super intelligent AI the image of the Beast ?

Some Pastors and others think it might be.

The Mark of AI: 2030 - ∞ Future Timeline of The Beast & ASI.

Artificial Intelligence and the Image of the Beast - Perry Stone.

AI WILL be the Image of the Beast 06/15/2023.

I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned!

Rev 13:15 "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."

Way of the Future - First Church of AI.

AI preaches sermon in German.

AI sermon in Texas.

Mathew 24:36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only".

AI has gathered billion of billions bits of behavioral data on each human. That data is used, first by human bad and well meaning, but misguided actors, then by Super Sentient AI to control our thoughts and actions.

A study by Facebook, revealed by an ex-employee, found that their AI could make users happy or sad within 5 minutes of interacting with it.

How much of our mental health crisis, particularly with our kids, is directly caused by manipulation of internet based AI?

Peter is not anti-technology as he has develop robots and systems using safe AI. But recent work with super intelligent AI has convinced him to stop that work and focus on preventing its deevelopment and use, until when and if it can be safely contained and aligned with human values.

Peter's robotic mowing project uses Vison AI for navigation & obstacle advoidance

Peter uses vision AI to find weeds and robotically remove them. Eliminating the need for pesticides.

Please watch and reflect on the content of the linked videos. Help me bring this issue to the national stage. Share this content with friends. Sign a petition to place me on the ballot.

Email Peter James.
Call 301 91605722 if you can help spread awareness or have questions.