Crystal Clear Automation Guideways Get You There Faster
28% of all green house gases are generated from Transportation
If we are ever going to get people out of fossil fueled cars
We need a transit system that is better than highways and automobiles.
Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) is the only mode of transit that can fix the
planet and eliminate traffic congestion and illiminate traffic deaths and serious injuries.
While there only a few Personal Rapid Transit Systems (PRT) in Existence, the ones we do have are phenomenal.
PRT at Heathrow Airport
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Robert James recently won a Genius Award from NYC MTA.
Bob helped the city of Columbus, Ohio win the $50 million Smart City competion.
Currently, Bob is designing autonomous transport systems for many large
transport agencies, airports, universities and others.
Bob is the "father" of connected vehicle approach to automonus transportation.
Bob was Assistant Director of Virgina Tech's autonomous Transportation
Institute in the late 90's, where he built the first Smart Highway
Safety is always first at CCA. We have designed our guideways to seperate
the autonomous vehicle from road traffic and predestrian. When pedestrians
do get close to our vehicles, we use multiple sensor technologies to keep
them safe
Widening bridges is a huge cost and creates months of traffic delays. PRT guideways can be attached to bridges typically
without any reenforcement required due the very light weight of PRT guideways.
One day, Fully Autonomous Vehicles Will Change Our Lives and the Way We Travel.
But Even After AV Technology is Prefected, There Will Be a Long Period When
Conventional Vehicles Will be Sharing The Roads with Their Driverless Brothers.
The Interaction between AVs and Humans Will Still Not Alleviate Most Congestion
and in some Cases Make it Worse. An AV that Could Run on 4 Foot Wide Lanes, Will
Still Be running on 12 Foot Highway Lanes. Reducing Traffic Flows to 1/3.
Fully Autonomous Vehicles Can Utilize Realtime Dynamic Lane Reversal.
Which is Not Possible in a Mixed Vehicle Enviornment. Autonomous Guideways
Can Use All these Advantages Today.
Compared to Fully Autonomous Vehicles, Autonomous Guideway Vehicles Can Be
Quite Dumb While Still Being Very Safe. Here is our Commerical Autonomous
Mowers Using Only Precision GPS Positioning to Control Them (1/2 inch Accuracy).
Multiple Types of Low Cost Sensors are Used to Assure the Mower Doesn't Run
Over Someone Asleep in the Field. Bottom Line, Accurate Positioning and a
Robust Infrastructure Communication System Yields Safer and Lower Cost
Tranportation Systems, Than Fully Autnomous Vehicles. Isolating the Vehicles
on Dediacated Guideways Allows Autonomous Vehicles to Be Put into Safe Use Today